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Reset Unread Mail Counts in Windows v1.1

Windows has a feature that tracks the number of unread messages you have across your email accounts and displays it as you login to Windows. The problem is that this number can wind up wrong if you install and uninstall an email client that doesn't clean up after itself, have an email client crash or PC crash or other reasons. Resetting it back to zero is rather simple for an advanced user (just edit the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail registry keys) but for many users, it's not an easy task. So, I created this simple tool to reset unread mail counts.


  • This file is provided without warranty. Use it at your own risk.

Installation / Files

Simply download ResetUnreadMailCounts.exe to your computer and run it by double-clicking on it. It will confirm that you want to reset the unread email counts and then take care of it for you. That's all there is to it. The tool is digitally signed and has been scanned for viruses.

Updated 2021-05-04