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John T. Haller's Resume


Experience with design, development, and product management using various technologies including web and client UI design, graphics design and optimization, database design and development using MS SQL Server and mySQL, HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, PHP, VBScript, Active Server Pages, Drupal, WordPress, Delphi (Visual Pascal), NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Installer System), Visual Basic and more. Enjoys learning new languages, concepts, and techniques.


Founder / Product Manager / Lead Engineer,

Present Position

  • Leading an international team of 20+ developers and 50+ translators via Slack, github, etc
  • Coding and management of software launch menu, app store, updater, various utilities
  • Creation, coding and management of website and 200k user community
  • Handling of outreach, press relations, license negotiations, and other business functions
  • Grew project from zero to 3 million users, 2 million monthly visitors, 1 billion app downloads
  • Software distributed and reviewed by nearly every computer/tech magazine worldwide

Chief Executive Officer / Lead Engineer, Rare Ideas, LLC

Present Position

  • Design, development and implementation of ecommerce, education and B2B websites with order processing, forums, streaming video, online education, shopping carts, reporting, SEO, and more
  • Built an event, ecommerce, and CMS system that handles over $1.5 million a year in sales

Technology Director / Lead Web Engineer, Optech Systems, Inc.

  • Design, development and management of internal/external web projects and client/server projects
  • Layout, coding, graphic design and maintenance of company websites

Technical Project Lead / Engineer / Assistant Treasurer, Bankers Trust (now Deutsche Bank)

  • Design, development, QA, and technical project management of internet and client server apps
  • Created first inter-departmental web application design framework
  • User needs assessment, surveys, and analysis

Support Technician, Aetna

  • Developed internal email management utility used company-wide
  • Supported and researched Microsoft Windows applications

Teaching Assistant with the Binghamton University Dept of Theatre

  • Instructed lab and lecture for a course in computer music using MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)

Resident Assistant with the Binghamton University Resident Life

  • Organized educational and recreational programs and activities
  • Mediated interpersonal conflicts


BS in Computer Science and Information Systems, Binghamton University


Location: New York, NY | | Web: