I was unhappy with the current crop of Mozilla splash screens available, so I did my own.
#1: Mozilla 2003
This one is designed to resemble the Office 2003 for Windows splash screens. It works well in a corporate environment.

Download BMP file
Download GIF file
Download PNG file
#2: Mozilla XP
This one is designed to resemble the Office XP for Windows splash screens. It also works well in a corporate environment.

Download BMP file
Download GIF file
Download PNG file
#3: Mozilla Express
This one is designed to resemble the Microsoft Outlook Express 6 for Windows splash screen. This also makes it fit in with the look of Windows XP a bit better and makes it a bit less frightening to newbies.

Download BMP file
Download GIF file
Download PNG file
Splash Screen Installation Information
To use a custom splash screen with your installation of Mozilla, just follow the directions for your operating system below:
- Windows - Save the BMP version as "mozilla.bmp" to the directory that has your mozilla.exe file in it
- Mac OS - Go to http://malletandbare.free.fr/products/csi/index.html to get the custom splash installer
- Linux - You will need to build the rpm source. Go to mozillla/xpfe/bootstrap and change splash.xpm.
Feel free to download and use either one. If you put it on a list of splash screens, please give proper attribution and don't link directly to the image on my server. If anyone at Mozilla is interested, I'd happily assign copyright to the project for it to be used in the binaries.